This week's blog is the first to feature some of the amazing photography of Axie Breen! We did a photoshoot at the local arboretum last fall, and they came out great. Please visit Axie's website and support her if you can!
The first thing you should do when looking to practice the sitting meditation is to find a spot that you feel comfortable sitting, either with support or without. Be sure that you can relax and that all you can hear is quite or nature sounds (if possible).
Cross your legs if you can, or if not, sit on a chair, rock, tree stump, or bench.
Close your eyes. Get your spine straight and keep your head suspended, like a string was pulling your head upward into the sky. Relax your your shoulders and then the face. Focus on the breath.
I suggest using a timer. Start with three minutes and work your way up. One day you'll be able to sit for 45 minutes. Even if you never get to that amount of time, anything over 20 minutes will benefit you tremendously. Do this sitting meditation every day for the best results and most improvement.
Focusing on the breath was the first meditation I learned, from my Zen teacher, Tzvi (Harold) Weisberg. We would sit for 45 minutes before most practices. Sometimes we would even sit for another 45 minutes after our kung fu and tai chi practice. But that is a lot of meditation for a normal person! You don't have to do that much.
So let's get started practicing! Choose any of the following meditations and begin with three minute sessions. Work your way to 45 minutes.
External Meditations (Easiest)
Sound-Guided Meditation
Candle (or object) Focused Meditation
Counting Meditation (begin with four seconds inhaling and 4 exhaling, working up to 10 seconds)
Internal Meditations
Fire Breath (Video Beneath the Candle Meditation Video)
Water Breath
Face Meditation
Lower Energy Center
Upper Energy Center
Cooling the Energetic Baton
The Energetic Bubble
Sunrise Meditation
Sunset Meditation
That's it for now! More sitting meditations will be upcoming!
Happy stretching, deep breathing, and empty your mind!