Exciting news today: The Center for Neuro-Oncology is sponsoring an event packed with guest speakers who are leading the field in research and treatment of Brain tumors. It's all happening on September 20th at the Yawkey Conference Center, 3rd floor, at Dana-Farber. Complimentary parking, light breakfast, and lunch will be provided.
To register call 617-632-2501, or email: braintumored@partners.org.
You can get the entire agenda and list of speakers here.
You can also download the .pdf agenda here.
Of course, I'd like to give special attention to my part of the conference. I will be giving a presentation from 1:40-2pm, and then I will lead a Qigong demonstrations from 3:10-4pm in the conference area outside of Yawkey 306 and 307.
Hope to see you there!